Mock Inspections

The California State Board of Pharmacy inspectors have the legal authority to inspect pharmacies to ensure that pharmacies meet minimum standards of operation and practice. Our Board routinely inspect pharmacies for various reasons: consumer complaints, inspections after receipt of an application for a new license, change of location or change of ownership, routine cyclic inspections to ensure compliance, and enforcement inspections. Routine inspections look for compliance with state statutes and regulations.

License Protection Services offers virtual mock inspection to help identify areas of noncompliance. This inspection helps to determine audit readiness by testing knowledge of procedures, thoroughly review areas of your pharmacy operation, and most important discovering areas of noncompliance. Together we will find a solution to those areas of noncompliance before the Board inspector discovers it him or herself.

Left undetected and eventually discovered by the inspector, the pharmacy and the pharmacist-in-charge will be cited and severely fined at a minimum, or an accusation to revoke the pharmacist-in charge’s license or pharmacy license at worse.


$750.00 per Virtual Inspection.

Maximum Time: 3 hours

(Must be an active member of the Pharmacy Compliance Service)